Hi there!
My name is
Tomáš Pastýřík
and I am a computer games programmer.

What I like to do

I am a graduate of Master Degree in Computer Graphics and Interaction at Czech Technical University in Prague.
I am developing games for Windows, PS4 a XBoxOne in 2K Czech and Hangar 13 studio since 2015.
I enjoy games and tools development, working with gaming consoles, procedural generation, data visualization as well as web technologies.

Take a look!


  • Senior Software Engineer in 2K Czech (2015-now)

    Engine I helped to develop was used for Mafia Definitive Edition (remake) on platforms: Steam (Windows), PS4, XBoxOne.

  • Senior Software Engineer in 2K Czech (2015-now)

    I was part of a small team responsible for the Borderlands: The Handsome Collection remaster published on Steam (Windows), PS4, XBoxOne.

  • Senior Software Engineer in 2K Czech (2015-now)

    I was part of the development team of Mafia III on platforms: Steam (Windows), PS4, XBoxOne.

  • Visualization of inner structure of complex 3D objects based on opacity modulation (2015)

    Demonstration of my
    Master's Thesis implementation,

    built with C++, OpenGL, GLSL and Qt.

  • Stone Rush Game (2014)

    Game for web browsers combining 2D platformer style with tetris.

    built with Javascript, WebGL, HTML5, CCS3.

  • Screen Space Soft Shadows (2013)

    Soft shadows implementation where size of a penumbra depends mainly on the distance from the occluder.

    built with C++, OpenGL, GLSL.

  • Space Arcade (2011)

    Game developed as a semestral project during Computer Games and Animations course,

    built with C# and XNA framework.

  • Mr. Bottle 3D Animation (2011)

    Short film as result of A7B39KMA course.

    I. place in category 3D Animation
    at SEMESTRÁLE VII exhibition

How do I do it?

C++, C#, CMAKE, Python OpenGL, GLSL, CUDA, QT, Java, Javascript, PHP - Nette, SQL - Doctrine2,
HTML5 & CCS3, LaTex and anything needed to use given by the task.

Download my structured resume

Kontaktujte mě!

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn , mail@tomaspastyrik.cz